"How can I join the KidsBrain family?"

How can I join the  KidsBrain family?

No previous experience is required, although it is necessary to have a strong vocation for education and an entrepreneurial flair. It is not necessary to be an English speaker as we distinguish between the management of each franchise and the teaching of the programme.

Do I need my own property in order to be franchisee?

No. Initially, having your own property is not necessary as classes can be given in local schools or other academies.

What is the initial investment?

It is possible to become a KidsBrain franchisee with an investment of $ 50,000 MXN.

In return for this investment each franchisee will receive:
  • Exclusive rights to provide the KidsBrain programme in their selected area.
  • Franchisee training both for the franchise manger and for tutors.
  • Start up Kids Brain teaching materials.
  • Access to the Online platform and 24/7 support.